Mr. Cooper - the BBQ dad
With this blog post it feels right to reflect more on Benji and Reggie’s dad. “To Prevent Flare-ups” is the first chapter where his character is fully portrayed, and we see the way his presence changes how the brothers live. Before he comes out to Sag Harbor, Dr. Cooper is a looming presence, constantly in the background. This chapter is a literal case study on their Dad’s effect on the household; his presence dictates how the chapter is structured and how the plot proceeds. The moment Benji wakes up he is hyper aware of miniscule noises within the house; who is awake, where they are, what they’re doing. And the sound of the alcohol cabinet dictates the pace of the rest of the chapter. On a broad level, this atmosphere with their dad in it is juxtaposed with how Benji and Reggie usually live. The casual in-and-out, careless tone of their days is gone, replaced by this incredible tension and anxiety. Reggie chooses to abandon the scene altogether, working every weekend shift, while Benj...